Signaturit is a scalable and reliable digital signature solution. Our Customer Success team will help you in your integration efforts and to answer any questions that you may have.
Go to your user panel to get the access token you will need to attach to every request.
The functionalities contained in this page (API for developers guide) are supported by Signaturit Solutions, S.L.U., ensuring their correct performance and operation. Any other functionality developed through the API that is not included in this guide is not officially supported by Signaturit and its use and implementation shall be the responsibility of the customer, assuming any risks that may be incurred by this for both internal and external users
In order to test the API thoroughly, we offer you sandbox servers. In these server, you can try all the methods for free.
You can register clicking here and then, pick up your access token from your dashboard and begin to try.
Every API call in sandbox is done to the URL:
When you complete your integration in sandbox, you will need to register on our production servers in order to get your production access token.
Every API call in production is done to the URL:
Signaturit API uses OAuth2 in order to authenticate the requests to the servers, so you need to get the access token from the dashboard once registered.
The access token is a string like:
access_token = 'ZjEyMmE1ZDFhYmZiYzI2ZjkyMmUzYjczZDAyMmY5MzI0ZGYzN2Y0NzFhZjA5YzNhMjk2MTVmNjU1OTVhYTU0'
Now you have an access token and you want to make some calls. There's only one thing left to do, you need to add this token to the header of your requests.
For instance, to use the token from the previous example in your headers:
Authorization: Bearer ZjEyMmE1ZDFhYmZiYzI2ZjkyMmUzYjczZDAyMmY5MzI0ZGYzN2Y0NzFhZjA5YzNhMjk2MTVmNjU1OTVhYTU0
If you are using cURL to test the API you can set a custom header with the -H flag.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer ZjEyMmE1ZDFhYmZiYzI2ZjkyMmUzYjczZDAyMmY5MzI0ZGYzN2Y0NzFhZjA5YzNhMjk2MTVmNjU1OTVhYTU0"
In case you need any help with your integration, please drop an email to We will be pleased to help you with any problem.
Events sent in embedded integrations.
The fired event type.
When your api request returns a 40x error, we inform you about the error in the same response.
The way to deal with this response error message, is different in every language.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
We recommend you to create your Signaturit integration in our Sandbox environment.
Once completed, you may want to release your integration to the Production environment.
How to do that, depends in the way you interact with our API.
If your integrations executes HTTP requests to our server directly (with cURL for example), you will need to change the endpoint URL to
and the Access Token
for the one you will find in your Production Enterprise Account.
If you are using one of our SDKs, the Signaturit object creation, accepts a second parameter (boolean). When this parameter is false (the default value), the requests are done to our Sandbox environment. When this parameter is true, the requests are done to our Production environment. Remember to change your Access Token
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SANDBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"
$ curl
A signature represents a request to one or more signers with one or more documents.
The document items that have been created for the signature request. A document item is created for every signer and uploaded file.
Inside every document item you can find the next information:
A list of events related with the document.
Inside every event item you can find the next information:
The event type.
The available types are:
The file information.
Inside the file item you can find the next information:
The document status.
The available status are:
Count signature requests.
Filter signatures with documents with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
Total of signature requests in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get all signature requests.
Filter signatures with documents with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
A list of signature requests in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
$ curl
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
*Only if a signer declines the signature, the field decliner_email will appear in the given response.
Get a given signature request.
Single signature request in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
*Only if a signer declines the signature, the field decliner_email will appear in the given response.
Create a new signature request.
Email body (html code is allowed) for email and sms type requests. OPTIONAL
Note: For sms request types it will be truncated to 120 characters
Note: For sms the body should contain the tag {{url}} where we will include the document url
Custom information in a key: value format that you can include in the signature request. OPTIONAL
When the key values correspond to a PDF form field, it will be filled and stamped automatically to the document.
When the key values correspond to a Signaturit template widget field, it will be filled by default to the signer in app and the signer will be allowed to modify the value.
All other key:value pairs will be stored in the signature and can be used later as search criteria on the "Get Signatures" endpoint described above. The maximum length allowed for these fields is 64 characters.
The signature request delivery type. OPTIONAL
The available delivery types are:
Expiration time of the document (in days). OPTIONAL
It must be a positive number and can't be greater than 365 days.
URL that receive realtime information about this signature process. OPTIONAL
See the signatures event url section for more information.
List with signature recipients containing name, email and extra requirements for the signature process if needed.
The index of the array recipients does not indicate their order.
Every item can contain the next information:
The signer's phone. OPTIONAL
The phone number should contain the country code. For example, for spain (+34) the value for the phone 555667788 is:
This is a requirement for sms request types and when requiring a SMS validation with the require_sms_validation feature.
A boolean (1 or 0) which indicates if the sign must be signed with digital certificate. You must add a widget with type dcf in order to use this option
Text which indicates the name of the digital certificate to be used.
* Certificates extension files must be .pfx or .p12.
A single number or a list with the number of required attached files you need for every document in this recipient. OPTIONAL
The index of the list references the document number, so first value will apply to first document.
Example to require 5 attached files in every document.
Example to require 2 attached files for the first document and 5 attached files for the second one.
require_file_attachment=[2, 5]
A single number or a list with the number of required photos you need for every document in this recipient. OPTIONAL
The index of the list references the document number, so first value will apply to first document.
Example to require 5 photos in every document.
Example to require 2 photos for the first document and 5 photo files for the second one.
require_photo=[2, 5]
A single number or a list with the number of required photo ids you need for every document in this recipient. OPTIONAL
The index of the list references the document number, so first value will apply to first document.
Example to require 5 photos ids in every document.
Example to require 2 photos ids for the first document and 5 photo files for the second one.
require_photo_id=[2, 5]
If you want to assign widgets to signer, you can specify them too.
Every widget must be set using the following parameters:
A boolean (0 or 1) to enable a password in the document that will be sent as an SMS to the recipient's phone. OPTIONAL
If you use this feature, you will need to set the phone parameter in the recipient item.
A boolean with a true value to enable a code acceptance that will be sent as an SMS to the recipient's phone. OPTIONAL
If you use this feature, you will need to set the phone parameter in the recipient item.
A string that define the recipient type. OPTIONAL
Note: the default value is signer.
Possible values are:
List with email recipients containing name and email for people that will receive a copy of the signed document when the process is completed. OPTIONAL
Every item can contain the next information:
Additional email address that will be used as email Reply-To header OPTIONAL
A single value or an array with time values in days to wait until sending and automatic reminder. OPTIONAL
You can set it 0 to disable reminders.
The signing mode lets you control the order in which your recipients receive and sign your documents OPTIONAL
Note: the default value is sequential.
The available signing modes are:
The type of the signature. OPTIONAL
Note: the default value is the advanced signature request.
The available types are:
New signature request in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][email]"
-F "files[0]=@/path/to/the/pdf/document.pdf"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "recipients[0][name]=John"
-d "recipients[0][email]"
-d "templates[0]=#NDA"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "recipients[0][name]=John"
-d "recipients[0][email]"
-d "templates[0]=#NDA"
-d "data[widget_id]=DEFAULT_VALUE"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "recipients[0][name]=John"
-d "recipients[0][email]"
-d "templates[0]=#NDA"
-d "data[crm_id]=2445"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][email]"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][default]=This is a non-editable text"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][left]=71.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][top]=1.5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][type]=text"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][width]=30"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][0][editable]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][default]=This is an editable text"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][left]=31.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][top]=1.5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][type]=text"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][width]=30"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][1][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][left]=31.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][top]=10"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][type]=check"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][2][editable]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][default]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][left]=41.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][top]=10"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][type]=check"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][3][editable]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][default]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][left]=71.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][top]=10"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][type]=check"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][4][options]=show_yes_no_option"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][left]=31.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][top]=20"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][type]=radio"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][custom_id]=radio_01"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][5][options][index]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][left]=41.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][top]=20"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][type]=radio"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][custom_id]=radio_01"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][6][options][index]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][left]=31.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][top]=25"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][type]=radio"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][custom_id]=radio_01"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][7][options][index]=2"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][left]=41.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][top]=25"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][type]=radio"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][editable]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][custom_id]=radio_02"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][8][options][index]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][left]=51.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][top]=25"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][type]=radio"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][width]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][editable]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][custom_id]=radio_02"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][9][options][index]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][left]=41.10583280773"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][top]=30"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][type]=select"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][width]=50"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][options][select][0][value]=option A"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][options][select][0][default]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][options][select][1][value]=option B"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][10][options][select][1][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][default]=0"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][left]=50"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][top]=90"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][type]=signature"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][height]=9.9784615384615"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][11][width]=25"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][default]=2017-07-27"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][left]=35"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][top]=1.5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][type]=date"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][12][width]=30"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][page]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][left]=20"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][top]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][type]=text"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][height]=5"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][width]=30"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][editable]=1"
-F "recipients[0][widgets][13][options][validation_rule]=email"
-F "files[0]=nda.pdf"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][email]=nonvalidemail"
-F "files[0]=@/path/to/the/pdf/document.pdf"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][email]"
-F "files[0]=@/path/to/the/file/"
Send a reminder. A reminder email will be sent to the signer.
Document in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Cancel a signature request. The signer will not be able to sign the document.
Reason of canceling the signature request. OPTIONAL
Note: PATCH request does not support multipart/form-data as Content-Type. Content-Type should be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json.
Canceled signature in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Delete a signature request. In progress requests cannot be deleted.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Download the signed PDF file.
The PDF file binary content.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Changes the email of the signer. It creates a new document and replaces the wrong one. Only requests with an error in email delivery can be changed.
The ID of the new document.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Generates the binary content of the audit trail PDF.
Empty response.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Changes the name of the signature.
The ID of the signature.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Download the binary content of the audit trail PDF.
PDF file.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Download a zip with all files separated in folders.
ZIP file.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
The events URL allows you to configure a URL where we will send information in realtime about the signature process.
The list of events that you will receive is:
The media type of the events we send to your endpoints is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.
You can receive the events on other formats such as json or xml.
To do so, add the media type extension you want to get to the end of the URL where you want to receive these events: for example we will post the information in json format.
Some widgets accept built-in validation rules, in order to validate the entered data. For setting a validation rule, you must add the validation_rule option of the widget in signature creation request.
Here you can find a list of currently implemented validation rules:
This endpoint is used to get certificated files.
The file with JSON format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
This endpoint is used to upload files and certificate them.
The file with JSON format.
$ curl
-F 'file=@"/certifiedFile.pdf"'
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
A response with the id of the chunk and related info to complete the upload with remaining chunks with JSON format.
$ curl
-F 'file=@"/certifiedFile.pdf"'
-F 'chunk=1'
-F 'chunks=3'
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
The event hooks are the information sent about the signature process.
List event hooks from the requester.
A collection of event hooks in JSON format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"[]=POST&limit=2&page=4&search=email_&status[]=200
Fires again the event hook. It can only be done by the event hook requester or the account administrator otherwise it will return a HTTP not authorized response code.
An empty response.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
A template is a prepared document that can be sent repeatedly.
List templates from the requester.
A collection of templates in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
A email represents a request to one or more signers with one or more documents.
The certificate items that have been created with the email request. A certificate item is created for recipient.
Inside every certificate item you can find the next information:
A list of events related with the certificate.
Inside every event item you can find the next information:
The event type.
The available types are:
The list of attached files.
Inside every file item you can find the next information:
The email status.
The available status are:
Count certified emails.
Filter emails with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
Total of certified emails in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get all certified emails.
Filter emails with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
A list of email requests in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a given certified email request.
Single certified email request in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a new email request.
Email body (html code is allowed). OPTIONAL
URL that receive realtime information about this email process. OPTIONAL
See the emails event url section for more information.
Custom information in a key: value format that you can include in the email request. OPTIONAL
These key:value pairs will be stored in the email and can be used later as search criteria on the "Get certified emails" endpoint described above.
List with email recipients containing name, email and extra requirements for the email process if needed.
Every item can contain the next information:
Also, you can use the next format to specify to, cc and bcc:
Email recipients.
Email cc. Format is the same as recipients.
Email bcc. Format is the same as recipients.
List with email recipients containing name, email and extra requirements for the email process if needed.
The available types are:
Send a modified version of the email with a button that redirects the user to our platform to open the PDF attachments.
With this method, you can track when the user opens the attached files.
Note: This method only supports PDF documents to be attached.
New certified email in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][email]"
-F "attachments[0]=@/path/to/the/pdf/document.pdf"
Download the binary content of the audit trail PDF.
PDF file.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
The events URL allows you to configure a URL where we will send information in realtime about the email process.
The list of events that you will receive is:
A SMS represents a request to one or more signers with one or more documents.
The certificate items that have been created with the SMS request. A certificate item is created for recipient.
Inside every certificate item you can find the next information:
A list of events related with the certificate.
Inside every event item you can find the next information:
The event type.
The available types are:
The SMS status.
The available status are:
Count certified SMS.
Filter SMS with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
Total of certified SMS in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get all certified SMS.
Filter SMS with certain status. OPTIONAL
The available status are:
A list of SMS requests in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a given certified SMS request.
Single certified SMS request in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a new SMS request.
SMS body. The number of characters cannot be more than 120.
URL that receive realtime information about this SMS process. OPTIONAL
See the sms event url section for more information.
List with SMS recipients containing name and phone number.
Every item can contain the next information:
The available types are:
Send a modified version of the SMS with an url that redirects the user to our platform to open the PDF attachments.
With this method, you can track when the user opens the attached files.
Note: This method only supports PDF documents to be attached.
New certified SMS in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "recipients[0][name]=John"
-F "recipients[0][phone]=34123445566"
-F "attachments[0]=@/path/to/the/pdf/document.pdf"
-F "type=open_document"
Download the binary content of the audit trail PDF.
PDF file.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
The events URL allows you to configure a URL where we will send information in realtime about the SMS process.
The list of events that you will receive is:
A branding represents the full customization of signaturit's app.
List with all the customizable texts for application widgets.
The available texts are:
The template content for the emails sent to the user. See Custom templates section for more information.
Get all brandings from your account.
Branding list in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a branding.
A branding in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a single branding.
List with all the customizable texts for application widgets. OPTIONAL
The available texts are:
The template content for the emails sent to the user. See Custom templates section for more information.
The template content for the SMS sent to the user. See Custom templates section for more information.
The new branding in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "layout_color=#FAAC58"
-d "text_color=#B43104"
-d "application_texts[send_button]=Sign"
-d "show_welcome_page=1"
Update a single branding.
Same parameters as CREATE BRANDING method.
The updated branding in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "application_texts[send_button]=Sign again!"
You can customize the templates for emails and SMS that are sent to the user. Every template should be linked to a branding, so every request using this branding will use that template instead of Signaturit one.
This template is the one the user receives when you send him a document to sign.
Note: In this template, sign_button magic word is required.
This template is the one the user receives as a reminder of a document pending to sign.
Note: In this template, sign_button magic word is required.
This template is the one the user receives when requester cancels the signature.
This template is the one the user receives when you send him a document through certified emails.
Note: In this template, email_button magic word is required.
This template is the one the user receives when you send him a document to validate (as a validator).
Note: In this template, validate_button magic word is required.
This template is the one the requester receives once a signature request is finished.
This template is the one the requester receives when signer declines a signature request.
This template is the one the requester receives when a signature expires.
This template is the one the user receives when an SMS code is sent as a password to open a document.
Note: In this template, code magic word is required.
This template is the one the user receives when an SMS code is sent to validate the signing of a document.
Note: In this template, code magic word is required.
The submitted file must be a HTML template. You can write some magic words on the content, to use custom information from our side. The following words can be used.
Tag replaced by the signaturit button.
Note: This tag only can be used in signatures_request and pending_sign templates.
Tag replaced by the validate document button.
Note: This tag only can be used in validation_request template.
Show the expiry date for a document.
Note: This tag can only be used in pending_sign template.
Note: Do not use this magic word, if you plan that your requests will not expire.
Tag replaced by the signaturit button.
Note: This tag only can be used in emails_request template.
Tag replaced by the body parameter text.
Note: This tag only can be used in signatures_request template.
Tag replaced by the sms code.
Note: This tag only can be used in sms_verify and sms_validate templates.
Tag replaced by reason why a signature is declined by signer
Note: This tag only can be used in document_declined template.
Tag replaced by button to see the signature detail on dashboard
Note: This tag only can be used in document_declined template.
Tag replaced by the signer (or signers) name and email in format NAME - EMAIL
Note: This tag only can be used in signed_document template.
Finally, if you want to set a subject for your templates, you must add it on your html file, using html tag title. Email subject will be the text set between this tags.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "templates[signatures_request]=<html><body><div>Sign the document</div><div>{{sign_button}}</div></body></html>"
Validates an ID document providing image captures from the document front and back sides.
Type of the document. Defaults to ID.
Available document types are:
Captured data from the document and validations in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-F "front=@/path/to/the/front.jpg"
-F "back=@/path/to/the/back.jpg"
-F "document_type=PA"
-F "document_country=FRA"
A credit refers to the units consumed when utilizing the digital signature services provided by Signaturit. Each credit corresponds to a transaction or signature request.
Get the number of remaining credits in your account.
Credit data in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
You can subscribe to Signaturit events using subscriptions. When you create a subscription, if the process event matches the one you are subscribed, event info will be sent to the url submitted.
Subscription is formed basically by the desired events an a url to send the information.
When you are subscribed to a event, you will get the following information when the event triggers.
The media type of the events we send to your endpoints is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.
You can receive the events on other formats such as json or xml.
To do so, add the media type extension you want to get to the end of the URL where you want to receive these events: for example we will post the information in json format.
If you want to add an extra security layer, you can filter by IP, as we send all events from, both in Sandbox and in Production.
Get all subscriptions.
Subscription list in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a subscription.
Subscription in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a new subscription.
Signature events
Email events
SMS events
Subscription in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "url="
-d "events[0]=*"
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "url="
-d "events[0]=email_processed"
-d "events[1]=email_delivered"
Updates a subscription.
Same parameters as POST method.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "url=new_url.json"
Deletes a subscription.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Team is formed by one or more seats. Every seat can be linked only to one user, you can request a user to join your team and if he accepts, it'll become part of your team.
You can also create groups in your team. Every group can have managers and members. Every user designed as manager, will view all requests made by the group members.
Get team users.
Seats in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get team seats.
Seats in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a user from the team.
Seat in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Request a user to join the team. User will get an email with the link to register in your team.
Seat in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d ""
-d "role=admin"
Update user role.
User in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "role=member"
Remove user from account and made the seat inactive again.
Seat in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Remove seat from account.
Seat in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get team groups.
Groups in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get single group.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a new group.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "name=Founders"
Update a group.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d "name=Members"
Delete a group.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Add a new seat to a group, with manager role.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Remove a manager from group.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Add a new seat to a group, with member role.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Remove a member from group.
Group in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
You can create your own contacts, to use it when sending requests through signaturit. A contact is formed by an email and a name.
Get your contacts.
Contacts in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Get a single contact.
Contact in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Create a new contact.
Contact in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d ""
-d "name=John Doe"
Update a current contact.
Contact in JSON or XML format.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
-d ""
Delete a current contact.
$ curl
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"